Not everyone has the perfect credit score, which can make for challenging circumstances when making a major purchase. Banks and loan companies often deny applicants if their credit history doesn’t meet the right criteria. For those with poor credit history, there is still hope when trying to purchase a home. You may be eligible for a lease option foreclosure.  

What is a Lease Option Foreclosure in Johnson County, Kansas?

A lease option foreclosure allows individuals with poor credit to purchase real estate. In some instances, you may even be able to complete the purchase without a down payment. At KC Foreclosure, we are your source for lease option foreclosure help in Johnson County Kansas 

A lease option foreclosure is the perfect choice for someone who is buying property but needs some time to repair their current credit issues. Individuals can gradually restore their credit by making lease payments on time each month. Once you establish a pattern of making payments on a consistent basis, you may be able to apply for a traditional mortgage once the lease option expires. 

An additional benefit of a lease option foreclosure in Johnson County Kansas: the home’s price. Homeowners are able to lock in their price right away, which could mean huge savings if the home’s value were to increase over the next few years.  

The Benefits of a Lease Option Foreclosure

  • Home price is secured and protects against large market increases.

  • Home can be purchased even without qualifying for a traditional mortgage.  

  • Allows extra time to repair credit issues.  

Can KC Foreclosure Provide Lease Option Foreclosure Help in Johnson County, Kansas?

Yes, we can! Our professionals will give you expert advice so that you’re well prepared for a lease option foreclosure. We offer valuable guidance to help restore your credit and provide the best opportunity to purchase your next home.  

Our knowledgeable staff will advise you on the best options in case you don’t qualify for a traditional mortgage. We have foreclosure experts on our team who can educate you on planning and saving for a down payment to purchase your next home. 

If you have questions regarding a lease option foreclosure in Johnson County Kansas, our team at KC Foreclosure is here to help. We’ll provide professional guidance to make the process go as smoothly as possible. 

Contact KC Foreclosure Today to Find Out How We Can Help! 

Call: (913) 390-3188 
