What are Redemption
Redemption rights are what let homeowners regain ownership of a previously foreclosed property. The property owner must pay for the foreclosed property, including any accumulated fees and interest, during the redemption rights period.
Homeowners can sell their redemption rights but should be aware of scams and unethical business practices when doing so.
Contact KC Foreclosure for expert advice on redemption rights in Kansas City.
How KC Foreclosure
Can Help
Our team of foreclosure experts can assist in the event of a foreclosure, sheriff’s auction, or with redemption rights. If a foreclosure has been issued on your property, you may be approached with offers by outside entities to purchase your redemption rights. Our professionals can help guide you through this process.
We have the experience and knowledge to ensure you make the best decision possible for you and your family based on your unique situation. KC Foreclosure specializes in redemption rights, acquisition of mortgages, lease option foreclosure, and other options for homeowners facing foreclosure.